True IOMMU Protection from DMA Attacks:When Copy is Faster than Zero Copy
some paper of DMA:
ISCA’10 IOMMU: Strategies for Mitigating the IOTLB Bottleneck
ATC’11 vIOMMU: Efficient IOMMU Emulation
ATC’15 Utilizing the IOMMU Scalably
ASPLOS’15 rIOMMU: Efficient IOMMU for I/O Devices that Employ Ring Buffers
ASPLOS’16 True IOMMU Protection from DMA Attacks: When Copy is Faster than Zero Copy
ASPLOS’18 DAMN: Overhead-free IOMMU Protection for Networking
ATC’20 coIOMMU: A Virtual IOMMU with Cooperative DMA Buffer Tracking for Efficient Memory Management in Direct I/O
Security’21 Static Detection of Unsafe DMA Accesses in Device Drivers
EuroSys’21 Characterizing, exploiting, and detecting DMA code injection vulnerabilities in the presence of an IOMMU
ASPLOS ’16:True IOMMU Protection from DMA Attacks: When Copy is Faster than Zero Copy
- (1) it provides protection at page granularity only, whereas DMA buffers can reside on the same page as other data: maps other data in an iommu-mapped page.
- (2) it delays DMA buffer unmaps due to performance considerations, creating a vulnerability window in which devices can access in-use memory: because of IOTLB, unmapping is expensive. For the sake of performance, OSes implement deferred protection.
- (1) observing that copying DMA buffers is preferable to IOTLB invalidation;
- (2) providing a truly secure, fast, and scalable intra-OS protection scheme with strict sub-page safety;
- (3) implementing the new scheme in Linux and evaluating it with networking workloads at 40 Gb/s.
1.protecting the OS from unauthorized DMAs to targets not mapped with the DMA API;
2.IOMMU trustworthy,secure boot-stage.
3.only focus on no-mapping DMA accesses.
Attacker Model:
The attacker controls a set of DMA-capable hardware devices but cannot otherwise access the OS.
However, shadow copy design can support untrusted drivers.
Intra-OS Protection via DMA Shadowing(Key design)
The basic idea is simple: we restrict a device’s DMAs to a set of shadow DMA buffers that are permanently mapped in the IOMMU, and copy data to (or from) these buffers from (or to) the OS-allocated DMA buffers.
1.Transparency: without modifying DMA API, it can intergrate into any OSes. describe in $5.2, extend in $5.4.
2.Scalability: to reduce overhead, it must minimize synchronization. (locks that are for multiple cores is global)describe in $5.3
3.Generality:support all workloads, including huge DMA buffers. describe in $5.5
$5.2 DMA Shadowing Implementation of the DMA API
primitive DMA API:
- dma_map:
- input: buf addr, size, device rights.
- functionality:alloc a IOVA region from device’s IOVA space. create IOMMU page table.
- return value: starting of IOVA region.
- misc: after do this, devices can access this region while OS/driver cannot.
- dma_unmap:
- input:IOVA
- functonality: remove the mapping in IOMMU, delete the device’s IOMMU page table.
- return value:
- misc: after do this, devices cannot access this region while OS/driver can again.
- dma_alloc_coherent of shared buffer:
- input:
- functonality:
- return value:
- misc: alloc a region that drivers and devices can access it simultaneously. In page grained. use dma free coherent to free.
shadowing Implementation DMA API:
- dma_map: acquires a shadow buffer of the appropriate size
and access rights from the pool, then associated it with mapped OS buffer. return shadow buffer’s IOVA. - dma_unmap: finds the shadow buffer associated with the OS
buffer. copy the contents of shadow buffer into OS buffer, then releases the shadow buffer and return. - dma_alloc_coherent and dma_free_coherent: infrequent operations, implement equally with the primitive DMA API.
although the devices could always access all the shadow buffers, the OS only read value from OS buffer on the time of invoking dma_map and write at dma_unmap time.
$5.3 Shadow Buffer Pool
- Each device is associated with a unique shadow buffer pool.
- API of shadow buffer pool:
- iova t acquire_shadow(buf, size, rights): Acquires a shadow buffer and associates it with the OS buffer buf.
- void* find_shadow(iova):Looks up the shadow buffer whose IOVA is iova and returns the OS buffer associated with it.
- void release_shadow(shbuf):Releases the shadow buffer shbuf back to the pool, disassociating it from its OS buffer.
pool design
A pool maintains a unique set of free lists. Each list holds free shadow buffers of a particular size and device access rights.
each size = 3 lisss: read, write, both.
each core = own free lists -> concurrent operations,
inter-numa-node access -> quickly access
free page to the list where it was allocated -> never change its rights of mapping -> no flush IOTLB
shadow buffer metadata:
each numa domain = a array of Shadow buffer metadata structures for each size class.